Select your Wi-Fi network and enter the password.Power you mac back on while pressing Command-Option-R until you are prompted to connect to a network.The good news is that getting to internet recovery mode is as easy as starting the regular recovery mode except with some extra steps. So I was forced to wipe and install Lion from the internet recovery utility. My disk utilities to repair my drive were now useless. MacOS High Sierra now runs Apple's new file system, aptly named APFS.

Therefore, since my MacBook was from late 2010, it provided me tools that would only install and repair disks that work with OS X Lion. Until we realize that the recovery mode from the internet will query your system and provide a version of the recovery based on when the system was released.

What happens if you have no ability to start restoration utilities at boot time? Well, Apple has a built-in system that allows you to perform an internet-based recovery.